Process of Speeding up WebLogic managed server start times

Several notes before progressing:

a) Only apply this to Development/Testing environments.
b) Configuration change impacts the security settings of the server: 

Oracle quote: ‘Note that this workaround should not be used in production environments because it uses pseudo-random numbers instead of genuine random numbers.’ (
Process of Speeding up Weblogic server

The following property change can be applied to the server, but I prefer to apply it within WebLogic Console due to ease of management.

1. Log into WebLogic Console.
2. Click Servers.
3. Click on the server to apply to property to.
4. Under the Configuration tab, click on the Server Start tab.
5. In the Arguments input box, enter the following argument:–
6. Shut down and restart the same server.

That’s it. Notice the difference in the time it takes to start your managed server!


Originally, it took my WebCenter Portal managed server 4-5 minutes to Start. With this configuration change, it takes just under 2 minutes!
WebLogic Server 3910419454920137851

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