Installing the new User Interface for Oracle Case Management

For all Oracle BPM & Case Management users a new User Interface is available. Below we describe briefly how to install it on a BPM environment.

To access the software please login to and search for the following Patches:

Patch 17014142: SOA BUNDLE PATCH
Patch 17767877: CASE UI IN WORKSPACE

user interface for oracle Case Management

1) Read the README-files carefully and perform the following steps for both patches:

2) Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to SOA Home, eg: 
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/
Validate the result with => echo $ORACLE_HOME 

3) Add the appropriate OPatch to the system path, eg::
export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/OPatch
Validate the result with => which opatch 

4) Run OPatch to apply the patch
opatch apply

Repeat the steps for the oracle_common-Home. Patch 17767877 needs to be applied on the Jdeveloper ORACLE_HOME as well. 

NOTE: You must apply the same Patch to SOA and oracle_common HOMEs at the same time. you cannot apply just one as this will cause under-predictable Behavior.

Additionally make sure that you installed:
Patch 14526899
Patch 14791221

These two patches can be installed via Smart Update Utility. Start the tool under [MW_HOME]/utils/bsu, copy the extracted patches into [MW_HOME]/utils/bsu/cache_dir and apply the patches. 

If you performed all steps successfully, you should now be able to access your case instances from BPM workspace.
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