Business Process Management
case management
Corporate Training
Online Training
Oracle BPM
User Interface
For all Oracle BPM & Case Management users a new User Interface is available. Below we describe briefly how to install it on a BPM environment.
To access the software please login to and search for the following Patches:
Patch 17014142: SOA BUNDLE PATCH
Patch 17767877: CASE UI IN WORKSPACE
1) Read the README-files carefully and perform the following steps for both patches:
2) Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to SOA Home, eg:
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/
Validate the result with => echo $ORACLE_HOME
3) Add the appropriate OPatch to the system path, eg::
export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/OPatch
Validate the result with => which opatch
4) Run OPatch to apply the patch
opatch apply
Repeat the steps for the oracle_common-Home. Patch 17767877 needs to be applied on the Jdeveloper ORACLE_HOME as well.
NOTE: You must apply the same Patch to SOA and oracle_common HOMEs at the same time. you cannot apply just one as this will cause under-predictable Behavior.
Additionally make sure that you installed:
Patch 14526899
Patch 14791221
These two patches can be installed via Smart Update Utility. Start the tool under [MW_HOME]/utils/bsu, copy the extracted patches into [MW_HOME]/utils/bsu/cache_dir and apply the patches.
If you performed all steps successfully, you should now be able to access your case instances from BPM workspace.
Business Process Management,
case management,
Corporate Training,
Online Training,
Oracle BPM,
User Interface,
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